Selasa, 19 Februari 2008

registration identification number

this is my number..
it is not my name..
it is just numbers...
mobi is just a name...
it could change... you can call me a different name...
do you know who i am ? i want to know who am i?
trying to find my identity.. searching for my indenity..
but not the registration indentification number..

1 komentar:

dee mengatakan...

ID yang ada bersamaku:
1. Nomer KTP
2. Nomer KTM
3. Nomer ATM Mandiri
4. Nomer Rekening Bank Mandiri
5. Nomer Kartu Perpus FE UGM
6. Nomer Pasien RS.Dr.Sardjito
7. Nomer STNK, blm ada nomer SIM :D
8. Nomer Akte
9. Nomer Ijasah
10.Nomer Tes BPK
11.Nomer Tes Bank Mandiri
12.Nomer Kartu Alumni UGM
13.Nomer Parkir FEUGM
14.Nomer Rekening BMT Al-Ikhlas
15.Nomer Handphone
16.Nomer Peserta Brevet A&B FE UGM

yang aku ingat cuma itu...
my number is my identity