Senin, 21 Januari 2008

Enlightment ahead

each and everyone of us is enlighten by something..
or inspired by some one...
they are the light in our days...
each and every one of us needs to have an inspiration..
it what makes us motivated in life... you can see the fire is one eye.. ..
because the eye is the window to the heart.. people are enlighten by light..
from darkness to light.. it can be fire.. or it can be just a light...
out and about.... i have direction... without light i can crash in the dark, i can crash into other people... i feel a sense of direction.. i may not know what are the things around me at night.. but i know and i can see what is ahead and that is my direction..
im thinking ahead.. im looking ahead and im moving ahead..
at time we must look at the rear view mirror but my focus is on the future...
guided by my vw head lights...
some enlightment

1 komentar:

dee mengatakan...

seorang diri membaca diri
mencoba mencari arti yg tersembunyi
sampai tiba hari untuk tak lagi sendiri
karena sekarang ditemani mobi :D

mobi menjadi inspirasi
untuk mengisi hari
dengan menulis blog tiap hari :D

hehehehe :D