Minggu, 24 Februari 2008

The land of the second hand smokers

Indonesia….Bumi nusatara hector is tobacco fields and cloves plantion

An engine of the countries economy…..Significant tax income from cigarettes

Absorbing labor intensive work…The medicine for a depressed economy and a threat to health

I am just a second hand smoker

I breathe in the smoke exhale from others

It is free smoke.. To add to the smoke coming from the exhaust pipes from cars..

Additional smoke from gas emission for power generators to light up the night

We are a country which is tolerant

A country too tolerant

We tolerate a 32 years of dictatorship, we tolerate a blind person as president, a women as president, soldier scientist and engineers as presidents

If you could tolerate our leaders and all their weakness then we can tolerate the smoke from other people’s cigarette

If we could tolerate that then we can tolerate the annual Indonesian forest fires, floods, land slides which are all man made disasters.

From the history of Javanese culture tolerance is one core value being uphold

Javanese culture is flow from animism and dynamism to Hindu Buddha then Islam. Then probably liberal or Christian or Dews in the next forms developments

Javanese culture is all mix together in one blender

In India when Buddha spread it teachings.. it was a banned and prohibited religion because there was major contradiction between the two teachings…

But not for Indonesia it was one we found the similarities and stood by them..

It created no problems. That is Indonesia; contradiction is not regards as a problem but a contradiction is regarded a part of being diverse.

That is probably the meaning for being tolerant .. if that is the case then

Being the second of smoker is a sign of a tolerant country

It is a sign of a passive country…

A country still finding its identity

1 komentar:

dee mengatakan...

nice posting

penulisnya telah bertoleransi dg saya selama hampir 8 tahun....

It is a sign of a passive couple…?
A couple still finding its identity..?
