Selasa, 15 April 2008

Journey of My Balck Pilot Pen

Its just a standard black ball point pen manufactured by Pilot, manufacturesin Japan with a BPT-P series..

it was a stationary from IFRC the placed i work as a translater. INdra the welcome service and admin offier always say ti me "jibs you don't diserve a new pen because you always loose a pen nearly every week you ask for a new pen - what happend to the pen i gave you last week? "


so far this pen i took special care of.. i made sure i would not loose it again..

Probally because i had no sense of belonging so i always loose my pen... this is my problem so i made sure that this is my property and my responsibilty and my black pen.. black pilot pen...

So i gave it a name... Mujiburrahman written on a yellow 3m post iit paper wrapped around clear sticky tape..

it is clear no that this is my pen.. it is very unique even though its is a mass productions and mass manufactured product and have a mass market..

this is my black pilot pen it has been months that i have not seen Indra or Madi to ask for a new pen.. new black pen but for a red pen i asked Madi for one and some tissue boxes because at that time i had the flu.

usually then i will still go to work. If i feel like i want to vomit or diarhea then yes no work for me.. if it just a flu then ti still go to work.. even thuogh the flu spreads to others

there is a couple of times i have lost my penbut it usually and every time some how with some way i always faind it self going back to me...

this is like it is a bommerang.. once you throw it away into space or the air then it will come back from another direction or other path...

in a workshop with handicap international my pen was used to sign the daily attendance list from the first and last day but somehow in the middle it disapeared.. it was not used for the attendance list it has gonne.. so i just say "thats that..."

i thought i lost my pen foreverbut at the end of the 3 day workshop about disability the community based campign to raise disabilty rights awareness

somehowit returned..

"jibs i found your pen lying round in the room .. thank you yeah.."

Ibu Pamikatsih an activist from interaksi solo.. then commented why did you write your name on your pen? would it be better to have a necklace with a pen hanging around your neck by the lid of the pen? that is what i do...

a replied.. i have tried that but at the end of theday the one is missing but i have a lid of the pen hanging around my neck...

..if i am using wheel chair i hope that i can be like bu pamitkatsih...
..if i am blind i wish that i would be like bu aria from mitra netra...
..if i am deaf i want to like nick....

they are my role models... they have courage, motivation, they are critical, they are all active regardless the fact that they have a disabilities.. they are public figures they can creat change and perceptions...

i have no fear to have a disability "judge my ability and not my disability "

another time have lost my pen at a VSO workshop.... and still it returns..

oke that is the end of my story.. now.....

where did i put my pen....?

2 komentar:

dee mengatakan...

pulpen nya ada di mana sekarang?

dee mengatakan...

bulpen itu benda kecil yang jadi senjata kaum intelektual.
kau mungkin bisa bicara lantang...berteriak menyampaikan idemu...mendobrak pintu dengan tenagamu...menembak musuh dengan senjatamu...

tapi tunggu hingga 5 tahun setelahnya...orang mungkin sudah lupa siapa kamu,tidak tau apa idemu,dan apa kontribusimu pada perbaikan dan kemajuan era...

maka peliharalah bulpenmu krn ia senjata sekaligus teman sejatimu