Selasa, 08 April 2008

Black BPT-P Pilot Pen......

it is my pen... i have always loose a pens in my life...

all my pens have never been trully fully used. it usually disappear in some time ..

but not this pen.... this pen is special... it has my name on it..

it is written on a yellow post it paper and taped on my pen...

... i have lost it a couple of times but at the end of the day it usually goes back

to the owner... it does back to me..

there is more to this story but i could not find the draft i hand wrote in a workshop i participated in..

so for this story i must say to be continue

1 komentar:

dee mengatakan...

setelah bolpen ilang draft critanya ikut2an ilang juga :D
seperti anak kecil aja, suka menaruh barang sembarangan...

lain kali jidatnya juga perlu ditempeli kertas kuning bertuliskan nama dan alamat lengkap, agar kaluw ada yg nemu bisa dianter pulang plus ongkos kirimnya..ya..ya..ya..