Minggu, 20 Januari 2008

Part two: About my Shoe

Times create changes.. somethings will stay the same and everything else moving, evolving and improving..

So on the october 24, 2007 I posted part 2 and here it is for you..

My Shoe from Cibaduyut (2)

It is a brown leather shoe. It is now two years old. It is falling apart. It no longer shines. The color is fading. It is dusty. It has been repaired over and over again. It has been stiched up again. It has been glue together again. It has been to places as high as the mountains. It has been to places where the ocean meats the land.

The rubber sole has been burnt up the exhaust pipes of a motor bike. The rubber sole has been used as breaks on a down hill mountain bike expidition. An expidition from the peaks of Ketep to the low lands of Yogykarta. If there is a definition of an ugly in the dictionary, a photo of my shoe will be in it.

Why dont i just change my shoe? Why dont I just buy a new pair of shoes? The is simple because I can still can wear it, because I can still use it, because i can still repair it. It is a brown leather shoe and i bought it two years ago.

It is not 100% leather. some parts of the shoe is made from synthetic leather. that part has crumbled away due to the test of time. it had sponges to make the shoe more comfortable. It still have a brown elastic material that makes it more flexible and replaces the shoe laces. it had carbon paper at the hoof of the shoe which acts a the spinal cords of the shoe for support.

Time makes it worn out..Time makes it fall apart..

It is my Brown Leather Shoe.. and so be it..

1 komentar:

dee mengatakan...

ternyata aku mencintai
laki-laki bulukan yg tetap memelihara sepatu bulukan-nya :D

hikmah yg dapat ku ambil adalah
gunakanlah barang2 sampai lapuk
jangan terlalu peduli dg komentar orang sejauh kamu masih nyaman dg nya...

untuk sepatumu aq punya moto, Jib
biar lapuk asal empuk...

melihat kegemarannya memelihara barang bulukan
aku jadi bertanya-tanya
jangan-jangan aku termasuk koleksi bulukannya juga???
mohon petunjuk dan bimbingan, Jib