It started when i was born..
It started when i stand up tall..
it started when i have legs but i need wheels..
it was a red bike.. standard childrens bike with training wheels...
i remeber using it and practice riding around inside the apartment.. it was pretty big apartment.. with three bed rooms, a bath room, kitchen and living room..
situated on Stirling Highway... my legs turn to wheels.. you start to learn balance..
you start to learn that you should not be afraid to fall..
the next bike was my first BMX it was old.. it was second hand.. by parents bought it... but i don't know when..
it was blue.. light blue.. metalic blue..
that bike lasted.. for a very long time.. it became rusty.. the pedals started to fall apart.. the brakes did not work.. both hand brakes .. did not work... it was my bike without.. brakes...
i crashed... i fall... but i still stood up tall....
at that time my dad went back to Indonesia to conduct a research for his PhD..
so it was only me , my mum and my brother.. living in the apartment... it was too big for only three people.. so we moved to everet street..
the next bike i had was a white BMX...
it was a bike the same as the one that my neighbour had... his name is Indra.. he is from Bandung..
but that bike did not last.... because some had stolen it...
so I did not have a siutable bike..
at the finals years in primary school.. I needed a bike.. not just any bike but a mountain bike.. a bike with more than one gears..
a bike that can go up mountains.. a bike that can travel long distance...
a bike to ride by the riverside... i bike to jump over mountain slopes..
It was time to buy a brand new bike.. not just any bike .. but my First Mountain Bike..
a black mountain bike.. actually it is gray.. it is my INDI 500 with 18 gears..
That bike lasted for ever... it have lasted more than... so many years..
from my years in primary school to my years in junior high school years in ..
then being exported to indonesia... and being in the stored in the warehouse in Jambusari..
not being used though out the time im in highschool..
and being reactivated again when I'm in college
from a brand new mountain bike. . . to a old mountain bike..
12 years.... old now... it is becoming more mature... as time goes on.. things start to fall apart
the brakes are starting not to work.. one brake is even totally broken and needs to be fixed..
the saddle have been repaired over and over again..
the orginal have been damage by a crash i had... the next saddle was one a took apart from the my dad bike... the next one was a cheep IDR 7000 saddle bought in a small bike shop in Jogja.. then Adi bought a new one because the saddle was bad quality...
as you can see... even a small saddle have undergone some changes..
i believe that people can change.. people can become better person...
if my 1973 VW super beetle... is called MOBI
and my 2000 honda impressa ... is called MOJI
then my first Mountain Bike would be called MOPIT......
it ressembles my life... there are always changes..
i try to adapt to them .. . .
if not then the changes will have to adapt itself to me..
there is one thing that is constant in this world.. that is the change it self..
my friends say (in a synical manner) that there is one thing consistent with my life..
that is that i live in inconsistencies...
it may be a good thing.. it may be a bad thing...
i try to change to be a better person..